One of the early wonders of the Mac was its revolutionary ability to do copy and paste across various applications. Unlike other areas in the Mac's system software that have changed and progressed over the years, copy and paste has not evolved. How many times have you found yourself going back and forth copying in one application and pasting in a different application, wishing to yourself that you could copy 5-10 items at a time, then go to another application and paste each of these items. Now you can! CopyPaste is the productivity tool for your Mac. CopyPaste is the winner of the MacUser Shareware Utility of 1996 and America Online's Macintosh Utilities Shareware Award for 1996. • New Features Version 3.2 • introduces a floating palette for easy access to the clipboards • fixes a bug with the menu support • rearranged the utilities menu • added the XTND Text Import tool • fixes several minor bugs Version 3.1.1 • introduced 9 additional clip archives (registered users only). • Examples are provided so that programmers can create new tools • New simpler menu layout • New tools for graphics • Tools can now work on clipboards of any size (dependent on application memory) Version 3.0.1 of CopyPaste has been improved and enhanced in many ways • 68k and PowerMac Native Code (PowerMac native for registered users only). • Lots of new utilities for text processing, date insertion, and world script. • Easy access thru the bottom of the Edit menu (you'll love this feature). • Extensive built in help. • Improved application switching. • Now partly rewritten in C • And many other improvements.